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HomeTeen President's Welcome

Teen President's Welcome

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 Program Year! The National Harbor Chapter is not just a club or an organization, to me it's a second family, a community that has helped shape who I am since the very beginning. 

As a charter member, I have watched this chapter grow and evolve over the years. Seeing just how much goes into being a leader in this organization, I'm honored to follow in the footsteps of my brothers, who both previously served as Teen VP’s, leading our chapter to new heights. 

But my vision for this chapter goes beyond just carrying on a legacy. I want to take our chapter to new levels of inspiration, and achievement. I established goals for myself at the beginning of the program year, One of which being; bringing the teens closer together and allowing us to put our minds together to reach a greater goal. 

As the previous Vice President, my goal was to bring the teens closer together. I will work with our new Vice President to ensure this vision of building Unity, Leadership opportunities, serving the greater community, and philanthropy continues as our ‘Voice will not be Silenced’.

Let’s Work, Let’s Play, Let’s Live Together!

NHC Teen President, Nicholas Hernandez

Website by: A Holder Design